Key Leaders:
- Niveda Shanmugam & Billie Harrer, SGA Cultural & Diversity Affairs Committee (CDAC) Co-Chairs
- Alex Casado, SGA VP of Student Life
- Dr. Colatrella, Co-Director of the Center for the Study of Women, Science, and Technology (WST)
- Katherine Bennett, Danielle Schechter, & Monica Marks, WST
- Jessica Rose, GT Facilities Management (GT Facilities)
- Stacey Connell, Health Initiatives (HI)
Progress from this Year:
- Began initial planning of MPP
- Drafted a proposal for Gift to Tech, a competition that allocates Student Alumni Association (SAA) funding toward campus initiatives
- Received the $30,000 grant in spring 2019.
- Coordinated logistics with GT Facilities & Health Initiatives regarding installations, refilling, & inventory
- Established a partnership with Aunt Flow for inventory and dispensers