Key Leaders:
- Ajanta Choudhury, SGA Executive VP
- Amogh Gadekar & Julia Johnson, Public Health Committee Co-Chairs
- Tommy Little, Willa Chatman, & Lolita Ringfield, GT Facilities
- Kelsey Cavallero, WiMSE Grad President
- Bryan Gomez, RHA President
Progress from this Year:
- Coordinated with GT Facilities to manage product distribution & collection of usage data
- Expanded pilot to more campus restrooms
- Worked with Aunt Flow to order dispensers & products as needed
- Coordinated with WiMSE & RHA to facilitate product availability in dispensers managed by them
- Worked with GT Facilities, WiMSE, RHA, & Ford to collect usage data
- Made the proposal for MPP to receive long-term Institute funding to ensure continuation & expansion of the program
- Gained administration approval for institutionalization of MPP!